Saturday, September 12, 2009

Writing from the Darkness

I really enjoyed reading this passage. The author was great at explaining how she felt about writing and how she used writing to "escape" from everything else. She pretty much explained at one point in the passage that writing was her was her way out instead of suicide. I wish i had the talent, like the author does in this passage, to clearly explain and express her feelings about writing and how she deals with her problems.
I sometimes feel like I need a "way out" but i dont know how to get there. For example, in this passage she uses writing as her way out. Maybe writing every night in a journal would help me with "finding myself" or just getting away. I feel like my life isn't right, like the author of this passage somewhat explained, I feel like I dont fit in with my family and I'm never happy like I use to be. I always wish that there was something that i could do, that nobody else would know about, that would help me to just "get away."

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