Tuesday, September 1, 2009

"What Should Colleges Teach?"

I totaly disagree with this article. I believe writing and reading are major subjects in a students life. You may never again use your math skills, science skills, or even history skills, but you will always, no matter what use your reading and writing skills. We, as human beings read sommething every day, weather its the news paper or a street sign. We also use our writing skills a lot, between our jobs, our schooling, or even chatting on the internet, writing will be a skill that we will never be able to forget. This is the reason why i think it is such a big deal to teach students the major objectives to writing a good paper. After the teacher has instructed them on ways to being a good writer he/she should then drill these techniques into their head over and over again.
When i was in high school my teachers barely cared what we wrote, as long as it was a certain length. I think I would be a lot farther in writing if my teachers would have pushed me to become a better writer instead of "taking it easy" on me.

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