Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Burning Bright

Wow, well i can tell why this section of the book is called burning bright! I can't believe Beatty actually burned Montag's house down. I also can't believe that Montag killed the other men in return. I was shocked to read that he killed them and started running away. I didn't expect Montag to do anything like that.
I don't really understand what happened to the hound tho. From what I got out of reading this section was that the hound got Beatty in the leg. But I thought that you would die if the needle from the hound went in you? I mean it explained how he couldnt run right but then towards the end of the book it doensn't say anything else about his leg or how he couldnt walk or run on it.
After i read that part a couple more times it made more sence why he would kill Beatty. Beatty was already going to arrest him for having books and reading them to Millies friends. He also caught Montag with the device in his ear that he was talking to Faber through. Beatty said that he was definitely going to trace the device back to Faber. Montag knew that he couldn't not deal with either on of these two things happening. He then shot Beatty with the fire shooter and killed him. I honestly dont think that Beatty thought Montag was actually going to kill him.

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