Saturday, October 17, 2009


Wow I just got home from a crazy night at work. I work at Normandie Ridge, in dietary. Well, actually they have a resturaunt and i waitress in the resturaunt. It's pretty fun. I really like the people i work with and all the residents. The job itsself is pretty easy too. We always have a problem with people calling off though. It never fails, usually every night when i go into work i find out we are at least one person short. The people that call off all the time never really get in trouble either. I mean when someone calls off because they really need to there is nothing they can do about that but I hate when the same people call off every week. Tonight we were two people short and there was no supervisors on to help us out. It was crazy busy in the resturaunt and we only had two waitresses. It was really stressfull but the other waitress and I did pretty good at getting all of our tables on time.
Oh but this one kid, oh my gosh he makes me so mad, he calls off every single weekend and yet they still put him on the schedule for the next weekend. I hope he soon gets fired because i hate when he screws us over like that. I dont understand why they would want to keep him anyway? AH!!!

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