Wednesday, October 28, 2009

haloween costume

AHH! Ok so I got this halloween costume. I dont really know what to call it but it is pretty cool! haha well the biggest reason i got it was because it comes with this belt and the belt holds a bottle and four shot glasses. Alright I thought that was pretty cool! ha I know I'm a loser. It is a little dress type thing and it came with the belt and the four shot glasses. The dress is green, orange, and red stripes and it looks pretty cool with the belt. Oh but the best part is, I have these brown shiny boots that will match the belt perfectly! haha I cannot wait for halloween. I don't know why I get so excited over little stuff like this, but I do!
My two friends Aaron and Sarah are having a big halloween party at their house on Saturday night! Oh and they have the perfect house for it. Thier house is back in the woods and it is a big house with a pretty big basement. I know already that there will be a lot of people there so thats good! I just hope it doesn't rain. The weather men are already calling for rain Saturday night but I just keep thinking to myself, what do they know? They are usually wrong anyway.
Oh I'm just so excited haha!


I'm so glad that i got that presentation overwith! I dont know why but i can't stand talking infront of the class. Even if i have practiced and know my presentation very well i still hate it! My face will get bright red and i can tell that my voice is kind of shakey as well. My hands shake and my body feels like its going to explode. I don't know why either. I mean i feel pretty comfortable around everyone in the class. It's just when i get to the front of the class room and have to start talking.
Maybe it is because i never had a speech class in high school or even at hacc yet. I know for sure that i eventualy have to take one and I am terrified for that day to come. Hopefully it will really help me to become more comfortable talking infront of poeple.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


UGH!!! I can not stand this rain! It makes me tired and miserable, I hate driving in it, it makes it hard to do anything outside, and it is so cold!
It really has to be true that rain makes you tired because i don't think i can take one more day of feeling as tired as I have been feeling from this rain! I feel so lazy and don't want to do anything but curl up in my blanket and go to sleep. I also claim that the rain gives me head aches because I have had a head ache for the past three days.
It is also horrible to drive in! I am so scared that im going to go sliding into the other lane when the roads are so wet. The worst is when it's raining so hard that you can't even see out your window. You have the wind shield wipers on and you still can't see a thing. I also just found out today that my heat doesn't even work in my piece of crap car so when i have to defrost my windows it's cold air that blows into my car.
Another reason I hate the rain is because nobody ever does anything. There is never anything going on and nobody parties when its raining either. You can't do anything outside either unless you want to be soaking wet.


Wow I just got home from a crazy night at work. I work at Normandie Ridge, in dietary. Well, actually they have a resturaunt and i waitress in the resturaunt. It's pretty fun. I really like the people i work with and all the residents. The job itsself is pretty easy too. We always have a problem with people calling off though. It never fails, usually every night when i go into work i find out we are at least one person short. The people that call off all the time never really get in trouble either. I mean when someone calls off because they really need to there is nothing they can do about that but I hate when the same people call off every week. Tonight we were two people short and there was no supervisors on to help us out. It was crazy busy in the resturaunt and we only had two waitresses. It was really stressfull but the other waitress and I did pretty good at getting all of our tables on time.
Oh but this one kid, oh my gosh he makes me so mad, he calls off every single weekend and yet they still put him on the schedule for the next weekend. I hope he soon gets fired because i hate when he screws us over like that. I dont understand why they would want to keep him anyway? AH!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I am so excited that halloween is right around the corner! When I was little I would love getting dressed up and going out to collect as much candy as i possibly could. Now that I am older I still enjoy getting dressed up. I also enjoy going to haunted houses like the Field of Screams, and the house of Terror.
Even though me and my friends don't go "trick-or-treating" anymore we LOVE having halloween parties! I get so excited to see everyone dressed up! The last two years halloween has been the best "party" holiday ever! This past halloween me and my boyfriend had the BEST COSTUMES EVER! (well at least I thought so) We were "punk rockers" and had tattoos all over us, piercings, tons of make-up, crazy clothing, and tons of jewlery!
I also love going to haunted houses. The Field of Screams is my all time favorite haunted house I think its the scariest one! The hay ride is the best and soooo scary!!! On the other hand, my friends dad owns the House of Terror, so i have to act like i really like that haunted house. I mean i enjoyed going there but i think the Field of Screams was so much scarier.

Burning Bright

Wow, well i can tell why this section of the book is called burning bright! I can't believe Beatty actually burned Montag's house down. I also can't believe that Montag killed the other men in return. I was shocked to read that he killed them and started running away. I didn't expect Montag to do anything like that.
I don't really understand what happened to the hound tho. From what I got out of reading this section was that the hound got Beatty in the leg. But I thought that you would die if the needle from the hound went in you? I mean it explained how he couldnt run right but then towards the end of the book it doensn't say anything else about his leg or how he couldnt walk or run on it.
After i read that part a couple more times it made more sence why he would kill Beatty. Beatty was already going to arrest him for having books and reading them to Millies friends. He also caught Montag with the device in his ear that he was talking to Faber through. Beatty said that he was definitely going to trace the device back to Faber. Montag knew that he couldn't not deal with either on of these two things happening. He then shot Beatty with the fire shooter and killed him. I honestly dont think that Beatty thought Montag was actually going to kill him.