Wednesday, November 18, 2009


BLLAAHHHHH!!! Alright I work at Normandie Ridge in the resturaunt part and also in a department called enhanced services. In the resturaunt I waitress and in enhanced services we pretty much do anything for any of the residents in the cottages and apartments. For example, give some showers, give meds, take people to appts, do laundry, take blood pressure, and so much more. I really like both of my jobs at Normandie Ridge. What i don't like though, is working all the time! I mean i know I'm a college kid and should be trying to work as much as I can to earn money but I cannot stand it! I always try to request off for random weekends and days just so I know I will have some time off.
This comming week I work so much and I hate even thinking about it. I work Thursday, Friday, Saturday morning and Saturday night, Sunday morning, the following Monday and Wednesday, and worst of all, Thanksgiving. UGHHH!!! I don't know what I'm going to do. One thing that stresses me out about working so much is that I wont have time to get all my school work done. I look forward to my Saturdays and Sundays off because I can get so much studying and school work accomplished! I guess this weekend I will just have to find some time to squeeze it in.

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