Monday, November 30, 2009

its soon christmas break!

WOW I cannot believe how fast this semester went! I am so so so so excited for it to be over and for christmas break to begin. I think the month off that we have will be so great! My classes are all pretty much comming to an end. Most of my classes all we have left to do is the final. Hopefuly i can still stay focused on my school work even tho I am already starting to get a little anxious to get out of school.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

my puppy!!!

I have a border collie and I truley believe that it is the best dog in the world! His name is Bear and he is mostly black with some white on him. Now I know the word collie makes some people think of a Lassie dog, but for those of you who don't know what a border collie lookes like, it doesnt look anything like an actual collie. Well at least Bear doesnt. I think he looks more like a lab with longer hair. He is fat because my family cannot say no when he begs them for food(especially my mother!).
All he really does all day is lay around, but he is so good. He will listen to any of us and do what we tell him. He wont eat his food once it is poured in his dish untill we say "okay go ahead." Bear never barks either (which I guess could be considered a bad thing if someone is trying to break in). He has never chewed anything up or ruined anything in out house.
He is also very spoiled though. He has a little girl friend who is a beautiful white German shepard (she is actually a very big dog) and her owner picks Bear up every morning to go to the park and play. Sometimes she will even take him home for the whole day so they can play all day long.
We never had a dog before this and I think this is the most perfect one anyone could ever have! I dont think that any dog in the world could ever recplace him.

Thank You For Not Smoking

I really enjoyed the movie we watched in class Thank You For Not Smoking. I think it had a good story behind it and really enjoyed the actors and the roles they played throughout the movie. Nick, the main character, had a really interesting sense of humor and i really enjoyed watching him interact with his son.
This movie made a lot of good points about arguing correctly and reflected some of the things we have talked about previously in class. I thought Nick did an excellent job throughout the movie arguing his point and even teaching his son how to become a good arguer.
The movie was also made me laugh at times but was somewhat serious as well. I would definitely watch the movie again if I had the chance


BLLAAHHHHH!!! Alright I work at Normandie Ridge in the resturaunt part and also in a department called enhanced services. In the resturaunt I waitress and in enhanced services we pretty much do anything for any of the residents in the cottages and apartments. For example, give some showers, give meds, take people to appts, do laundry, take blood pressure, and so much more. I really like both of my jobs at Normandie Ridge. What i don't like though, is working all the time! I mean i know I'm a college kid and should be trying to work as much as I can to earn money but I cannot stand it! I always try to request off for random weekends and days just so I know I will have some time off.
This comming week I work so much and I hate even thinking about it. I work Thursday, Friday, Saturday morning and Saturday night, Sunday morning, the following Monday and Wednesday, and worst of all, Thanksgiving. UGHHH!!! I don't know what I'm going to do. One thing that stresses me out about working so much is that I wont have time to get all my school work done. I look forward to my Saturdays and Sundays off because I can get so much studying and school work accomplished! I guess this weekend I will just have to find some time to squeeze it in.


I don't know what it is but I am starting to get so stressed out with school. I think part of it is that I am starting to slack off and I'm stressed that I am going to start doing worse in my classes. It might also be that its getting to the end of the semester and I am just anxious for it to be over. Whatever it is I really hope I stick with my school work until the end of the semester and keep my grades up. When this semester is over I will be so relieved.
On the other hand, this semester has gone by so fast. I mean I'm not complaining at all about it, I am just so surprised. It seemes like just a month ago it was september and we were just starting classes. I try to take advantage of everyday and not only look forward to the big bread because these semesters are just going to keep going faster and faster. I will be done with school before I know it and I want to treasure all the fun moments i have while I'm still in school.